
市面上有不少LaTeX专用的写作工具,我自己尝试了tekmaker,配置起来麻烦,功能也不强大。最后还是用 Visual Studio Code 这个万能编辑器,功能还是不错的。记录一下配置环境的过程。

LaTeX Workshop

在VS Code中搜索LaTeX Workshop插件,安装即可。




编译中文LaTeK文件时,需要用xelatex工具,需要在settings.json中找到latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default,然后将值设置为 latexmk (xelatex)


"latex-workshop.latex.recipe.default": "latexmk (xelatex)"

Latex 模板



    \item Definition of Theorem
    \item Ask for help
    \item Optimization Problem
    \item Property of Cauchy Series
    \item Angle of Corner


    \item exercise 1
    \item exercise 2
    \item exercise 3

LateX 快速入门

命令 描述
\ 命令以反斜杠开头。例如:\documentclass
{ } 命令参数用大括号括起来。例如:\documentclass{class}
[ ] 可选参数用方括号括起来,放在命令参数之前。例如:\documentclass[opt,opt,…]{class}




\section*{My first document}
This is a short example of a \LaTeX\ document written
\today. It shows a few simple features of automated
typesetting, including
\item setting the default font size to 12pt
\item specifying an article type for formatting
\item using the Palatino typeface
\item adding special formatting for URIs
\item formatting a heading in section style
\item using the \LaTeX\ logo
\item generating today's date
\item formatting a list of items
\item centering and italicizing
\item autonumbering the pages
\subsection*{More information}
This example was taken from Formatting Information,
which you can download from
and use as a teach-yourself guide.
\textit{Some text to close the document}



% Define the document class

%Reference the stylesheet

% Begin the document scope

% Insert the title page and table of contents



Document classes

Usage: \documentclass[opt,opt]{class}


 book %Default is two-sided.
 report %No \part divisions.
 article %No \part or \chapter divisions.
 letter %Letter (?).
 slides %Large sans-serif font.

Use \begin{document} to start contents and \end{document} to end the document.

Common documentclass options

% 10pt/11pt/12pt Font size.
% letterpaper/a4paper Paper size.
% twocolumn Use two columns.
% twoside Set margins for two-sided.
% landscape Landscape orientation. Must use dvips-t landscape.
% draft Double-space lines.


\author{text} % Author of document.
\title{text} % Title of document.
\date{text} %Date.

These commands go before \begin{document}. The declaration \maketitle goes at the top of the document.

Document structure


Text environments

\begin{comment} % Comment (not printed). Requires verbatim package.
\begin{quote} % Indented quotation block.
\begin{quotation} %Like quote with indented paragraphs.
\begin{verse} %Quotation block for verse.


  1. Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes
  2. Using LaTeX to create technical documentation
  3. LaTeX cheat sheet